Choate Eye Associates

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Your Overall Vision Health

Apr 17, 2014 @ 03:02 PM — by Walter Choate
Tagged with: Optometry Eye Exams

You should never take your eyes for granted. That means wearing eye protection when possible, wearing sunglasses while you're outdoors, and wearing a hat with a wide brim to help shade your eyes from the sun. In addition to things that you can do to maintain good eyesight, it's important that you meet with an eye care expert about these matters. Skilled optometrists will help you maintain or enhance your vision and will also provide you with additional tips on preventative care to help you have healthy eyes that last for years to come.

Right now, our eye care experts would like to focus on regular eye exams and why those are so important to overall vision quality and wellness.

What happens during an eye exam?

Going over some of the basics of an eye exam would be helpful for the larger discussion. During an eye exam, a number of different diagnostic tests will be performed in order to assess the overall health of your eyes. There are tests to check the strength of your eye muscles, tests to assess overall visual acuity, tests to assess the health of your pupils, tests that check the health of the retinas, and so on.

In essence, the various tests performed at the eye care center will determine the overall quality of your vision as well as the health of individual parts of your eye.

Preventative Eye Care

One of the most important things about regular eye exams is that they serve as a kind of preventative care. Eye care specialists will check for common eye diseases that can affect your overall vision, such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic reintopathy, and problems with the retinas.

These diagnostic tests are especially important as people get older. You see, eye diseases become more likely as patients age, and early detection and prevention are both crucial for lasting wellness.

Addressing Current Eye Health Problems

During your eye exam, you may learn that you have a vision problem or health issue that you didn't realize you had. The earlier that this can be diagnosed and treated, the better it is for your overall vision and long-term health.

Assessing Your Current Vision Quality

Your vision changes with time, and this is unavoidable. In fact, one vision issue known as presbyopia results in age-related farsightedness, affecting the overall quality of your eyesight. Regular eye exams will allow optometrists to ensure that your prescription is up to date and properly addresses any issues that you are facing.

Determining the Right Treatment for You

In addition to diagnostics, early detection, and prevention, an optometrist can also determine how your needs can best be met through the right treatments. Sometimes corrective lenses will be best for certain matters, while other times surgical treatment may be more ideal. We'll be sure to give you the information that you need to make smart choices about these treatment options.

Learn More About Undergoing Regular Eye Exams

If you would like to learn more about regular eye exams and your many other eye health needs, be sure to contact our Goodlettsville eye care and vision correction center today. By schedule a consultation with the team at Choate Eye Associates, you will be able to get the help you need when it is needed.